
Artwork evolves over a period of time and artists find their attention can take diverse directions. Mine began with interests in painting and glass enameling and exploration into printmaking. Experimental mixed media work evolved from these designs and ideas.

As I have worked through the years, the square shape found its way into my designs no matter the medium or the intended subject of the art piece. Giving into the insistence of the shape has become the essence of my work.

The square remains an essential basic shape humans continue to construct and repeat. In my art, it permeates, it is the building block, the emphasis, the boundary, the symbol---the square is the primary cell of these works. The square gives me a sense of completion which no other shape can fulfill.

I consider my work non-verbal. Because there is a conflict between the image and the language which explains it, my work is in a non-verbal state as it is conceived and created. The word which tries to represent the image has to convey more than language. Color shape space are only letters strung together which prompt images in a blind mind. They exist by themselves without definition. The thoughts are separated into partitions and coded by color and form. My work is representative of the partitions created by mundane human existence. The compartmentalized aspects of human thought are separable by time and imagination. The creative spirit exists in silence and only is heard through the vision of shape and color, never becoming a word.

Jann Jeffrey